University is a time where you are experiencing new people, more freedom and countless opportunities. But you can’t let yourself forget the real reason you are there, which is to learn and succeed. Here are some tips to achieving a First-Class degree:
Whether it is lectures, tutorials or meetings, go to it all. Everything is important. Uni is fast-paced, and you can easily fall behind so make sure to be organised and prepared to work hard.Â
Manage Sleep
Sleep is essential if you want to maintain a positive and healthy mind. All-nighters may sound like a good idea but will only put you at a disadvantage when you need to focus and retain information. Be consistent with your sleep and always attempt to get at least 7 hours.
Study Subjects You Enjoy
You do your best work when you’re enjoying yourself. By picking subjects you enjoy, it means you’re more likely to work harder and get better grades. Don’t always pick what your friends pick as that can lead to bad grades.
Revise As You Learn
University is a big jump from A levels. There is a lot more work which needs to be retained, as well as extra work that needs to be done. By revising as you learn it will be easier to keep up with the work load as well as give you extra time to do other things, like research around your subject or just time to relax.
Love The Library
The library should be every university students second home. It holds everything you need. To get a first-class degree you must demonstrate a range of resources, and this can all be found in your library.
Study Buddy
Friends have a huge impact on your work ethic. Surround yourself with people who do the same course as you or are as dedicated as you to their subject, this will lead to easier focus on your work.
Social Media
Know when to put down your phone. Social media is the biggest distraction when it comes to getting work done. Instagram may seem like a good idea as the time but really, it just interferes with your work. Set yourself goals and only pick up your phone when you have achieved that goal.
Exams are always around the corner and to get a head start, making a revision guide is always a good idea. Schedule in time to do work, extra reading and relax. This will allow you to be fully prepared for when your exams arrive.
Stay Healthy
Your health can have a huge impact on your grades at university. Exercising can have increase energy levels as well, meaning you’’ll be more productive with your university work. Eating the right food and drinking plenty of fluids will be set up to do the best you can do.
Balancing work and play is key at university. At the start of the year you may think you have time to just do nothing. However, this will only lead to more work at the end of the year. Don’t be scared to give yourself a break and go out as long as you know you have done the work you need to do.