Ultimate Freshers Drinking Game Guide – Leeds Freshers

Freshers week at university is the best time to meet people and get to know your flatmates and future friends. What better time to get to know people than when you’re absolutely smashed? If, like us, you know there isn’t any then read on to find a list of ultimate drinking games that are bound to bring everyone together.
We would like to remind everyone to please drink responsibly and stay safe during Freshers Week!
All you need for this game is a pack of card, a tall glass and of course a sh*t ton of alcohol! Spread the cards in a ring around an empty glass and take turns to pick a card. Each card has a different rule.
• Ace – Waterfall. Each player starts drinking going clockwise. You can only stop when the player before stops.
• Two – You. Pick someone to drink.
• Three – Me. If you pick this card then have a drink.
• Four – Girls. All the girls have to drink.
• Five – Thumb Master. Place your thumb on the table whenever you want. The last person to copy you has to drink.
• Six – Guys. All the boys drink.
• Seven – Heaven. Put your hand in the air. Last one to copy has to drink.
• Eight – Mate. Pick a mate. Every time you drink throughout the game, they do too.
• Nine – Rhyme. Pick a word and going clockwise everyone has to say a word that rhymes with yours. First person who stutters or can’t do it, drinks.
• Jack – Rule Master. This one’s my favourite. Make your own rule or forfeit that has to be obeyed through the game.
• Queen – Question Master. You have to ask players questions but they can only answer with a question. Players who can’t do so – you guessed it – have to drink!
• King – Fill the cup. Pour some of your drink into the glass in the middle. The poor soul that draws the 4th king has to down the contents.
This is one of the best games to play with people you haven’t met before. A very quick way of knowing what dirty secrets everyone has in common. In turns, everyone says something which they have never done. The more reluctant people will be to admit it, the better. Anyone who has done said thing has to then drink exposing themselves to everyone else in the group. Sounds fun, right?
You start by picking a direction of play and saying “one”. The next person continues counting and it goes around the room. If anyone says 2 consecutive numbers, the direction changes. If anyone says 3, the next person is skipped. You must drink if you make a mistake like talking over someone else or pausing too long. When 21 is reached, the person who says it must down their drink.
This game is an absolute must for any great flat party. All you need is a big table, plastic cups, ping pong balls and lots and lots of alcohol! Start by setting up a small triangle of cups on either end of the table and filling them with a drink of your choice. Each player will take turns to throw a ball in to their opponent’s cup. If you get it in, they have to down the contents of that cup.
There are a few variations of playing the name game. One of the most common is the celebrity version. To play this game, you start by saying a celebrity name. The next person then has to say another name where the first letter of the first name matches the first letter of the previous last name said. For example, if you said “Nicholas Cage”, the next person can say “Christian Bale”. The game continues around in a circle. The direction changes if you someone says a name where the first and last name initials are the same. If you stumble or say a name out of turn, then drink.
In a world where there’s an app for everything, drinking games are not an exception. Picolo is a free to download app for only the basic level. Be careful you don’t accidentally buy the premium levels when you get drunk. The game is fairly easy to play. Just type in everyone’s name and follow the instructions on the app. The basic level comes with simple tasks that can be quite tame. If you want some more excitement, opt for the paid levels like ‘Getting Crazy’.
This game is one of my favourites on the list. It usually involves completely random strangers which is always fun when you’re drunk. I mean what could go wrong, right? The game starts by deciding the first task master, usually with a game of rock, paper, scissors. The task master is the lucky person who gets to appoint a task to someone in the group. The task has to involve people who don’t know you’re playing a game. The rules are that if you refuse to do the task, you down your entire drink. You drink half your drink if you do the task but fail by, for example, giving the game away. If you successfully complete your task, you’re the new task master and everyone else in the group drinks.
This game is bound to get interesting for any group of people. You whisper a question to the person on your left and they must answer out loud with the name of a person in the game. Whoever wants to know the question has to drink!
Fifa has served us for many years but what better way to improve gameplay than to add alcohol to the mix. If you’re playing, you’ll drink a shot if you lose or better yet, you can drink a shot for every goal you lose by! There are some other pretty standard rules for when you drink.
If you want a simple game with no chance of confrontation like some of the others on this list, then shot roulette might be the one for you. Just get a tray of shot glasses. Fill half of them with water and half with vodka. Without any indication, those playing must guess the contents of their glass and then take the shot. If you guess incorrectly, you have to take another shot. Alternatively, you can play with a ‘shot roulette’ wheel, taking turns to spin and drink what’s in the assigned slot.
This game involves splitting into two teams. It can get pretty heated. Each team forms an orderly queue on one end of the table with two cups ready. The first person puts the cup upside down over the edge of table and tries to flip it until it lands upright. Once you’ve done this, it’s the next person in your team’s turn. The first team to finish wins and the losing team has to down their drinks. This is one of the more fast-paced games bound to keep you on your feet all night. Unless you keep losing that is!
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